Our Center does not receive state or federal funds. We can serve our families at no cost because people like you choose to be a lifesaver and give in-kind gifts, one-time contributions, or become involved through monthly sponsorship. Check out a few ways to get involved below:
This is our “hot” list of items that we always need. You can shop that list here:
If your church or organization has a group that gathers or regularly hosts an event at your church or place of business; our Center will provide the speaker, and you choose either your guests to bring needed material items or collect a financial gift to impact the families we serve in the community.
We have many people who cannot serve at the center physically, but they certainly have a gift to gather friends. Take a couple of weeks or a month to announce your love offering date and then host a collection date to give financially. Many times we don't know someone has decided to do this and they stop in with this gift of love to bless our work.
Print off our Center Needs list and host a collection drive or baby shower. You can host a baby shower or just collect items that the Pregnancy Resource Center uses daily.
This list is everything we use at any given time at the Pregnancy Center besides medical supplies. You can see that full list
Change truly makes a difference in the life of the Pregnancy Resource Center. We have many churches, schools, or businesses that make it a fun competition. A competition that impacts life for generations. If this sounds like something you would like to organize call the Center at 865-977-8378 or email elizabeth@prcbctn.com. We will need to know how many bottles you need when to drop off, and by what date.
A compelling testimony that will impact your hearts. Our CEO loves to meet people in the community and share how the Lord brought her to where she is today. She brings in client stories along with her testimony and ways you can make a lasting impact on the lives we serve. Call the Center at 865-977-8378 or submit a speaking request below.
Have one day a week and five hours to spare? Then volunteering might be for you. Don’t worry we will train and equip you to serve brave families with us! Start that process here by clicking the button below.
Become a Volunteer