Center Needs
Below is a current list of all center needs that we use daily at the pregnancy resource center. Feel free to contact the center office with any questions you have or to obtain specific details.
Become a monthly giver for as little as $35. Skipping one meal out a month can help impact a family in need.
You can do so here: make a secure online gift
Cleaning Supplies
- Trash bags (3 gallon, 13 gallon, 30 gallon)
- Facial tissue
- Toilet tissue
- Paper towels
- Multipurpose spray cleaner
- Windex
- Toilet bowl cleaner
Mobile medical unit
- Gas cards
- Volunteer Car washing (with dawn dishwashing liquid and soft sponge for protection of wrap)
Office supplies
- Copier paper - white (8 1/2 x 11, 11 x 17)
- Postage stamps
- Pens - blue or red
- Sharpies - red or black
- Post it notes - all sizes
- Paper clips - large and small
- White out
- Staples
- Envelopes - letter, business, 10x12 and 5x7
- Scotch tape
- Pocket folders - gray and yellow
- tab dividers
- 2 in binders
Baby/Mom/Dad Items
- Shop our registry and easily ship items to our main office:
- Disposable diapers - sizes preemie to 6
- Baby wipes
- Oil Change gift cards
- Gift cards for Uber or Lyft so we can help families get to and from center if needed
- Baby hygiene items
- Similac Advance Formula, Similac sensitive, any hypoallergenic formula
- New: Car seats infant up to 2 years of age or over 20lbs*
- New: Pack n Plays
- $5-10 gas/food cards (example: weigels, Exxon, Chick-fil-A, Panera, etc.)