Today’s Guest: Deanna Falchook, Owner/Founder/Senior Writer and Editor of Pro-Life Princesses
Today’s Topic: Many of you have heard me share our story and how we love Disney. I knew that when I heard Deanna share her story that it needed to be broadcasted to the masses. Your story is the key that can unlock someone else's prison. God never intends for us to stay stuck in our sin, pain, or deep sorrow. He heals and restores, He calls us onward, He reminds us that in Him, we have great purpose and hope.
There’s beauty and greatness behind every image of darkness. The ashes will fall away, they don’t stay forever, but His goodness and glory shine forever through every broken place and flaw we’ve struggled through.
He conquered death. He lives forever. He reigns in glory. And we have victory in Him. AMEN!
Take courage dear friends who are facing deep battles. He is greater than any enemy we face in this life. We overcome because He has overcome and our lives are hidden in Christ. May God cover you with peace, may He bring healing in the face of hard news, may He bring deep, abiding joy that makes no sense to the world, may He bring comfort and care as He wraps you in His arms. The God of miracles fights for you today, and He is Mighty.
Deanna is a post-abortive pro-life advocate and is dedicated to raising awareness early to the atrocities of abortion and the long lasting harm and pain that many women feel.
She is the author of a book called TO BE A MOTHER and the soon to be released book called THE CINDERELLA MINDSET. Deanna’s work has been featured in THE FEDERALIST, Charisma, Breitbart, 700Club, EWTN, Faithwire to name a few. Deanna is a mom of 7 children (5 internationally adopted) and lives near Disneyworld in Orlando.
Connect with Deanna: You can contact Deanna on FACEBOOK or twitter @deannafalchook.
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