May 6, 2019

Episode 7 - A Brave Life Story with Kailee Perrin

Today’s Guest: Kailee Perrin, speaker

Today’s Topic: Redeemed and Free. Two beautiful words when it comes to a life of addiction. Today’s topic is another story that needs to be heard. A powerful story of how God can use our mess for a message of hope.

Kailee lives in central New York where she lives with her husband and two sweet kiddos. Her precious daughter has recently shown up at banquet events when Kailee has shared her story to share her part of love and compassion for her mom making the brave decision for life. In today’s episode, Kailee mentions Celebrate Recovery. If you are in the midst of addiction and need help you can reach out to the links below. If you are or you know of someone that is in the midst of an unintended pregnancy there is hope and help. See the links to connect with Kailee and resources below.

Where To Find Kailee:

Find her on Facebook:

Where to Find Help:

Celebrate Recovery:

Free Pregnancy Help (this is our client website):

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