Today’s Guest: Valerie shares about grace.
About this episode: Listen in as our CEO shares a little bit about grace. Valerie shared some of this message at a charge this past Sunday and wanted to extend that to you all as well.
Today’s Topic: Aren’t you thankful that God extends His amazing grace to us. You the listener are truly what helps make this work possible when you serve through giving of your time, talents, and financial gifts.
How can you help: When you partner with us financially you are helping brave families find us first. When they do they get free and confidential help — one being a life-saving ultrasound. A mom gets to connect with her pre-born child and falls in love with her baby.
Three easy ways you can partner with us:
You are not only helping us meet the needs of those facing difficult pregnancy decisions, but you are helping us point to the one that causes us to sing a new song! After you listen to our podcast episode listen and soak in this sweet moment.
We strive to empower expectant mothers with the knowledge and care they need.
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