Today’s Guest: Valerie airs a brave story from one of their brave moms they served, Amanda.
About this episode: Many of the women that choose to have abortions wish they would have known of the resources that were available to them. The abortion industry does not want to empower women with their options. They only want to capitalize on the fear they are in. Sure they are in a crisis with an unexpected pregnancy, but too many times to count when they do abort their life still is in a crisis. The pregnancy is not the crisis—their life is and we need to use our voice to truly empower women and men that we can help. We are here to encourage, empower, and equip families that they can thrive and get out of the hiccups that life throws at us. This is exactly what Amanda did.
Today’s Topic: Listen in as Amanda shares her brave testimony of choosing life for her baby. See his sweet little picture below. She was 80% sure she was going to have an abortion and then she found us.
How can you help: When you partner with us financially you are helping brave families find us first. When they do they get free and confidential help one being a life-saving ultrasound. A mom gets to connect with her pre-born child and falls in love with the confirmation from our team that the fear she feels is temporary and will soon pass away.
We strive to empower expectant mothers with the knowledge and care they need.
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