Today’s Guest: Karen Ellison, President, and Founder of Deeper Still
Today’s Topic: How can we help walk alongside the walking wounded in our community? We can do this by creating not only a culture of life but a culture of healing.
Karen talks about healing the heart of those that have abortion wounded hearts. Out of her own pain birthed God-given purpose that is multiplying leaders all across our nation. Leaders that also have the heart to bring healing and restoration to our community and around the globe.
Karen is the Founder and President of Deeper Still. She first entered the pregnancy center ministry in 1985. She has served as an executive director of a pregnancy center in Virginia Beach, VA, a national trainer for Care Net, and as vice president of Alternatives Group (now LifeSteward Ministries). Karen has served in the area of post-abortion healing for many years and out of those experiences has developed the Deeper Still retreat.
During the interview, Karen mentions her book, Healing the Hurt that Won’t Heal. You can purchase that book by clicking this link: Purchase Karen's Book Here
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