April 9, 2020

Episode 12 - Serving up Hope

We may have to mask up, wear gloves, take temps, and more when serving our brave mommas right now. We know that one thing is for sure and that is nothing changes our mission. We love serving up some hope in the midst of it all.  On today’s podcast, Valerie is sharing some stories of Hope.

Each Thursday for the month of April, Valerie will be sharing stories of Hope. We cannot wait to share some good news despite COVID-19. We can always use some stories that change our perspective.

In today’s show, Valerie touches on the below topics that are linked below:

  • The perfect read for the book junkies out there. Lysa Terkeurst, (https://lysaterkeurst.com/) wrote the book, “It’s not suppose to be the way”. You can purchase that book here: https://www.p31bookstore.com/products/instbtw Valerie feels that this book applies very well to what is going on in the world right now.
  • Would you like to help fulfill baby needs right now? This is our amazon wish list for needed items right now: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/30RJ96987RABH?ref_=wl_share
  • In today’s show, Valerie mentioned the study the Center is doing called Embrace Grace. It is an incredible way to start in your own church or in your pregnancy center. You can find find more information here: https://embracegrace.com/start-a-group
  • Do you have a story to share? Maybe a reason why you support the prolove movement? We would love for you to share that with us! You can email valerie@prcbctn.com and we will share with others on the show. What a great way to encourage others right now!
  • It is Valerie’s 40th birthday!! Will you give a life-saving gift of $40 right now? Or maybe you want to give every single month to help moms as they choose life! You can do that here: https://youmakeherbrave.kindful.com/

We strive to empower expectant mothers with the knowledge and care they need.

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