October 15, 2024

Celebrate with Us!

Valerie Millsapps

Chief Executive Officer

 It was March 9th, 2019. In my prayer journal, I wrote encouragement from my time in God’s Word about three lessons that we can learn from Timothy's life, and then I wrote a bold request…

‌Lord, give us the mountain; give your ministry the biggest mountain, the biggest assignment, the hardest city, the biggest giants because I know you want to do great things for your glory, Lord!

‌Sevierville wasn’t even on our radar yet --- but it sure was on God’s. Precisely three years later, we were given the keys to the building in Sevierville, and I could visually see that we would outgrow this space.

‌And that time is here!

‌He is calling us to take the land - because He wants to continue to do great things for His glory, and together, we can be his willing vessels.

‌We are actively looking for a new building. As a debt-free and community-funded ministry, we are mindful of the right fit. We have our eyes on one in particular and are looking for friends to join us in this great endeavor. Maybe you can sow into and invest in a new building with us, or you know someone who would like to see this come to life!

‌This would allow us to have adequate parking.


As you can see in this photo, it is the back of our Sevierville office.‌ Three staff members, and depending on the size of the car, our volunteers and staff will park on the right side of the building. There is also a ditch to the right and then the main street. This leaves one open space and one handicapped space, and we are not able to add on.


The front of the building has a small pull-off that is sometimes another space, but then it makes it hard to get out of the half-circle driveway.

A new building will allow us to serve the influx of needs and significantly increase our impact, saving lives here on earth and for eternity. With your support, we can double the lives we touch and make a profound difference in our community, a difference that will be felt for generations to come.

‌We invite you to sow into our building fund to celebrate our TWO-year milestone in this space! The building and similar ones we have looked at cost around $949,000, and we are well on our way to making an offer with our community behind us!

Consider giving $2, $20, $200,000! Celebrate our TWO years and our vision to GROW into a new space! We are grateful for you and that together, we can save and impact lives! Life truly depends on it, and families deserve better than abortion!



We strive to empower expectant mothers with the knowledge and care they need.

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