January 19, 2024

24 Ways to Be an Open Door to Brave Families in 2024

Valerie Millsapps

Chief Executive Officer

One of the questions we ask on our intake forms is, “How did you hear about us?” For many years, it has been a pretty standard top 5 list: family, friends, internet, doctor’s office, sign out front. There was one that crept up in that space last year, and it made me smile.

Do you know what that was?


We long for the day when women facing unexpected pregnancies run to the church instead of running away, so that they do not run into the deeper arms of the world. This simple intake question shows how God is continuing to orchestrate that beautiful bridge between the church and the Pregnancy Resource Center. Let’s continue to be that open door for the wounded, downtrodden, and scared, and give them a place to run to in their time of need. Oh, how I needed this many years ago.

Here is a list of 24 tangible ways on how you can continue to be that open door to point others to hope and help, hope and help that points to the WAY, the way of Jesus. He is our true HOPE.

  1. Like and follow our Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/friendsBCPregnancyResourceCenter/
  2. Once you like and follow our Facebook page, like, share, and comment on our content. This helps others see and find hope and help.
  3. Each Monday on our social media we post a prayer post for our schedule that week. This is a simple way for you to intercede for those we see.
  4. Pick one of our locations, Maryville, Sevierville, and/or our Mobile unit, and pray for the safety of those giving their time. Prayer is powerful!
  5. Write a letter to one of our brave moms to encourage them in their journey. This can be a fun family activity. You never know the power of your words of truth and life that will resonate with someone you may never meet! You can download that template here: Brave Mom Letter
  6. Maybe 2024 is your year to volunteer time and sit knee-to-knee with someone and greatly impact their story. You can start that process here: https://www.youmakeherbrave.com/volunteer-opportunites
  7. Are you a business owner? Create a bin where your customers can collect tangible items our families need the most like diapers, wipes, formula, and baby hygiene items, and drop them off at any of our locations.
  8. Have a fun competition with your Sunday school classes for small groups and collect items our families need the most like diapers, wipes, formula, and baby hygiene items, and drop them off at any of our locations.
  9. Create a Facebook fundraiser. In your search type, “Facebook fundraiser”. There will be an option to click to create a Facebook fundraiser, Click the tab that says, “Create Fundraiser” " select Pregnancy Resource Center Inc (you should see our banner image come up), Edit any amounts and details, and then select create!
  10. Take up a love offering - We have many people who cannot serve at the center physically, but they certainly have a gift to gather friends. Take a couple of weeks or a month to announce your love offering date and then host a collection date to give financially. Many times we don't know someone has decided to do this and they stop in with this gift of love to bless our work.
  11. Gather friends and schedule a work day at our Maryville or Sevierville Center. This can be a variety of different things. You can set that up through our Development Director, Beth, by calling 865-977-8378.
  12. Gather a group of friends and create care packages for our moms and dads. These can be as little as socks, lip balm, devotional, notebook, pen, beef-jerky (for the dads), hand-written notes, etc. This means the world to that mom and dad and greatly shows them that someone cares for them.
  13. Does your church have someone from the Pregnancy Center come and speak about the pregnancy center's work? This is a great first step as many of our families that we serve say the #1 way they find out about us is friends and family. You can set that up by calling 865-977-8378 and asking for Beth.
  14. Does your church do a consignment sale? Offer vouchers, so pregnant moms can come shop and get some crucial items they might need.
  15. Gather a group of friends or your small group and set up a time to help wash our mobile clinic. We take this on the road to serve families in rural areas that cannot get to us. We love having her all shiny and presentable to those we serve. We provide all the washing items, we just need the hands and feet to do it. You can set that up by calling 865-977-8378 and asking for Beth.
  16. Adopt a family going through one of our holistic support programs. What does that look like? First, reach out to Valerie at 865-977-8378 and she will be able to set this up and give more in-depth details to make this work. This would be a family that is currently pregnant and may not have family support to host a baby shower. You can purchase simple items they would need. There is typically one big item such as a new car seat, pack-n-play, swing, and basic items. See the example list: Standard Gift List
  17. Fill our lobby fridge. We have a fridge in our lobby that we have people stock with bottled water, fruit juices, and soft drinks for families to enjoy when they come.
  18. Purchase small amounts of gift cards to local fast food restaurants or gas cards, so families can use them in a time of need and as they navigate hard decisions. What a difference a $5-10 means to someone who thinks they are all alone. It shows someone cares and many times leads to a life decision!
  19. Purchase a new diaper bag fill it with baby items and donate to the Center for a family in need.
  20. Join our monthly family of financial givers called, “The Heart”. This helps our community-funded ministry continue to offer our life-saving work to those who enter our doors. You can start that here: The Heart
  21. Has your church participated in a baby bottle campaign before? If not, maybe now is the time. Change truly makes a difference in the life of the Pregnancy Resource Center. We have many churches, schools, and businesses that make it a fun competition. A competition that impacts life for generations. If this sounds like something you would like to organize call the Center at 865-977-8378 or email elizabeth@prcbctn.com. We will need to know how many bottles you need when to drop off, and by what date.
  22. Shop our Amazon List - This is our “hot” list of items that we always need. You can shop that list here: http://a.co/1Md9lwX
  23. Host a ladies’ tea or men's brunch - If your church or organization has a group that gathers or regularly hosts an event at your church or place of business; our Center will provide the speaker, and you choose either your guests to bring needed material items or collect a financial gift to impact the families we serve in the community.
  24. Lastly, but most importantly pray! Ask the Lord where He desires you to act and show love to those who face unexpected pregnancies. Then step out and be obedient to what He wants you to do

We are blessed by you and it is an honor to serve the Lord with you!

We strive to empower expectant mothers with the knowledge and care they need.

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